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Project Management of PowerEsim Help Manual

PowerEsim is a free web-based software providing power supply (SMPS) design, transformer design, magnetic design, loss analysis, thermal analysis, waveform analysis, MTBF analysis, BOM building, DVT analysis and optimization of power supply (SMPS).
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5         Project Management

If you want to management more than one power supplies, Project Management Page can help you to manage the whole project.


5.1            Go To Project Management Page


You can go to Project management Page by clicking “My PS System” button


5.2            Project Management Page



5.3            Add Power Supply to Project


Click “Add”


There are two ways to add power supply

-          Load from file

-          Add new power supply

o   “Add Topology” list box contains a list of topology. After select one topology, a new power supply is added


5.4            Delete Power Supply from Project


Click the “More…” button at the power supply you would like to delete

Press “Delete” button can delete power supply from project



5.5            Save Power Supply


Press “Save” button can save power supply separately


5.6            Naming Power Supply


Type the new name of the power supply and click anywhere outside the textbox

5.7            Project Summaries

In project view, a project summary is shown at the analyzing tools

5.7.1                  Loss Analysis under project management status


It shows the total losses for whole project and the loss for each power supply.

5.7.2                  DVT Report under project management status


It shows the number of reject and warning message for whole project and each power supply.

5.7.3                  MTBF Analysis under project management status


It shows the total failure rate, MTBF and Life Time for whole project.

5.7.4                  Input Harmonic under project management status


It shows the simulated result for each power supply.

5.7.5                  BOM & Vendor under project management status

It shows the number of parts at BOM at whole project and each power supplies.

5.7.6                  Add Component under project management status


It shows the number of components that added separately for whole project and each power supplies.


5.8            Select Power Supply


Click the circuit can select the power supply and switch to power supply view


5.9            Switch between Power Supplies



In power supply view, you can view project summary at the top. Project summary provides a link to all the power supplies. Press the link (the name of the power supply e.g. 2) Flyback DC-DC) can switch to another power supply. Besides, the sign *** indicates which the power supply of the schematics currently showing.



Prev.: Getting StartNext: Loss Analysis

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