Free On-line SMPS Design Tool
Issue 66, 2nd August, 2010
TIPS on PowerEsim

In order to ensure you can use PowerEsim smoothly, you need to ensure your browser enabled ActiveX control.

"Internet Explorer has blocked this site from using an ActiveX control in an unsafe manner. As a result, this page may not display correctly."

When you notice the above message shown as the top banner of the browser, this means the "ActiveX control" is constrained and some JavaScript actions and Flash movies are disabled. You have to do the following things for proper views in PowerEsim.

  • Go to "Internet Options" in Internet Explorer
  • In "Security" tab, click on "Custom Level…"
  • You can find the "Run ActiveX controls and plug-ins" and "Script ActiveX Control" item
  • Check both items as "Enable"
  • Restart the browser

  • What is New? Simulation & Design Counter: 5818166
    Monte Carlo Analysis for IC and Shunt Regulator are now available. Flyback output diodes' waveform are now open to public.
    Input Harmonic Module

    Input Harmonic module is a tool that can provide the waveform of input voltage and input current for the current power supply. One special feature of this tool is that it can simulate input harmonic without a power supply. By clicking "select circuit" button at the bottom, user can select different circuit modules for input harmonic simulation.
    Available circuit modules:
  • Bridge
  • Voltage Doubler
  • Bridge + PFC

  • User can adjust each component value for input harmonic simulation.
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