Free On-line SMPS Design Tool
Issue 45, 5th November, 2008
TIPS on PowerEsim
Component Finder

In Component Finder, user can highlight components one by one to see loss and stress.

Click button to see the component characteristics of selected component.

Click button to see the component analysis of selected component.

What is New? Engineering Tasks Done: 1558217
Charts of Performance vs. Input Voltage & Output Power is now available in Loss Page. New Generic V-mode VRM PWM Block is now available.
Magnetic Builder Generate Drawing Page -- Bobbin Setting

In Magnetic Builder, clicking the icon will redirect user to generate drawing page. User can define the termination of the wires; details of the transformer e.g. part number, description, etc. Click the button "Select Bobbin" can see the Select Bobbin Type Page.

User can select a bobbin type by clicking that bobbin type and determine the number of pins at the combo box as shown above.

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