Advanced Winding Construction page provides the features for the user to customize all winding. User can arrange the placement of the wires, creepage tapes and insulation tapes, etc.
To define the winding start position of each winding, user can choose the start location of the each winding at the combo box "Layers Start Position".
"Upper" means the first layer of the winding starts at the upper part of the available space while each next layer start at opposite end.
"Lower" means the first layer of the winding starts at the lower part of the available space while each next layer start at opposite end.
"All Upper" means all layer of the winding are start at upper part of the available space.
"All Lower" means all layer of the winding are start at lower part of the available space.
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Engineering Tasks Done: 1127106
Ballast can now be selected as an application
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Add Faraday Shield in Magnetic Builder
Magnetic Builder is a tool for users to create magnetic components. It provides different kind of winding method like faraday shield.
Click the "More . . ." button to go into winding details page, a Faraday shield is considered as an extra copper foil winding with terminated at one end. User should first add a winding on primary or secondary side first.
User can then change a particular winding to Faraday shield by clicking button "More. . ." and go into the winding details page. Clicking the check box "Change to Faraday Shield" can turn the winding become Faraday shield. Only extra windings can be changed to Faraday's Shield.
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