Free On-line SMPS Design Tool
Issue 20, 25th October, 2006

After placement of components on the working area, you can start the thermal simulation by triggering with the button shown.

After a few seconds (duration depends on number of components and the size of PCB and heat sinks), the color of the component is changed according to the temperature.

Trigger button as shown can disable the thermal color.

What's New?
Visit us in On-Semi booth at the CPS EXPO 2006 from 1 to 5 November 2006.
Topology Lossless Snubber Forward AC/DC is accessible to public. More than 7600 components can be freely access to public

On-Semi NCP1337 Flyback PWM Controller is accessible to public. On-Semi NCP1381 Flyback PWM Controller is accessible to public.
Closeloop Modules
  Loop analysis is a tool to let user arbitrary draw a transfer function by vary the coefficient or component from the feedback block.

On the other way, curve fitting can be done by entering points of expected gain or expected phase, by pressing "Automatic Compensation" button, the coefficient of the transfer function or components will be changed to fit those points.

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