PowerELab - A Power Converter Technology Provider Issue 15, 13th July, 2006

Tel: (852) 28578498   Fax: (852) 25460217   Email: sales@powerelab.com

Address: 1/F Technology Innovation & Incubation Building,
              Hong Kong University, Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong

Website: http://www.powerELab.com     http://www.powerEsim.com

What's New?
2006-7-13 Total number of modeled components in our database : 133767, Recently added component : 33613
2006-7-12 On-Semi Components are accessible to public.
2006-6-19 Exhibition in PESC06 Jeju Korea
2006-6-15 Project Management is supported. You can add and manage multiple power supplies in one project after login.
PowerESIM provides efficient Zero Voltage Switching topologies
  • PowerESIM provides several ZVS power topologies for applications where efficiency matters.
  • They are ZVS Active Clamp circuit, ZVS Asymmetric Half Bridge and ZVS Phase Shift Full Bridge.
  • Circuits for AC and DC input are available.
  • These circuit topologies are most suitable for high power applications such as server power supply and equipment power supplies.
  • All component parameters are available at a click on the mouse after the specification is put in, no more tedious calculations.
  • Performance curves and analysis are shown instantly, dramatically cuts down effort on testing.
  • You may iterate through many designs and get the best one with full component list.
Tips on PowerESIM
Connect components in parallel or series and be more flexible in component choices.


LosseSIM is a powerful function in PowerESIM which tells you which components dissipate most of the losses. The part list is arranged in order of losses. Losses of each component is shown in watts and also percentage of the total loss. You may also change the converter input voltage and output current to examine changes.
To experience the convenience provided by PowerESIM , try it yourself at http://www.powerEsim.com
Copyright 2006 PowerELab Limited. All rights reserved.