What's New? |
2006-5-2 |
ZVS Active Clamp AC/DC is available now. |
2006-5-2 |
Accepted paper in PESC06 about PowerESIM. |
2006-5-2 |
Total number of modeled components in our database : 100154, Recently added component : 16458 |
2006-5-2 |
Use Thermal Analysis result for other analyzing tools. Enable this function in Option. |
You may get a quotation on magnetic component direct from the vender |
- Having built a magnetic component you would be eager to know its cost and get it built.
- You may now get a quotation direct from the vendor by clicking onto <Samples/Quotation> on the transformer page.
- Simply key in your contact information and click <Send Quotation>, the vendor will receive your magnetic component design and send you a quotation.
- PowerESIM simplifies your design process and shortens design lead time
Controller Integrated with Power Switch can now be used on PowerESIM |
- New models have been built for controllers with built in power switch.
- You may build Flyback AC/DC or DC/DC using these devices.
- Simply click onto icons on the front page.
Tips on PowerESIM |
Use Generic controller PWM Block instead of particular controller ICs
There are many controller ICs in the market and it takes time for us to put all of them on to PowerESIM. If you cannot find the controller IC you want on the menu list you may use generic PWM Block instead. This block provides all general futures that are needed to model a PWM IC. It gives you the maximum flexibility to model the PWM IC you want. Simply click on to the IC and choose generic PWM Block. Both voltage mode and current mode are available.
More topologies on line |
More and more circuit topologies are being added on to PowerESIM. Now there are 24 circuit topologies and 4 evaluation designs available on the PowerESIM front page. They will suit your applications.